Twas the Night 14 - Snow Globe - Fine Line A6 Stamp
Twas the Night 13 - Chair - Fine Line A6 Stamp
Twas the Night 12 - Bunting Stocking - Fine Line A6 Stamp
Twas the Night 11 - Santa's Pack - Fine Line A6 Stamp
Tina's Poinsettia & Star Frames A5 Square Groovi Plate Duo
Tina's Holly & Snowflake Frames A5 Square Groovi Plate Duo
Tina's Star Frame A5 Square Groovi Plate
Tina's Poinsettia Frame A5 Square Groovi Plate
Tina's Snowflake Frame A5 Square Groovi Plate
Tina's Holly Frame A5 Square Groovi Plate
Christmas Rounds 5" x 5" Stencil Collection
Linda's Christmas Characters A5 Square Groovi Plate Collection
Linda's Penguins, Seals & Polar Bears Trio A5 Square Groovi Plate Set
Linda's Snowman, Snowlady & Snowbaby Trio A5 Square Groovi Plate Set
Linda's Seals A5 Square Groovi Plate
Linda's Polar Bears A5 Square Groovi Plate
Linda's Penguins A5 Square Groovi Plate
Linda's Build a Snowlady A5 Square Groovi Plate
Linda's Build a Snowman A5 Square Groovi Plate
Linda's Build a Snowbaby A5 Square Groovi Plate
Christmas Cube Box Tem-plate A4 & Border Groovi Collection
Tudor House Tem-plate A4 & Border Groovi Collection
Christmas Tree A4 Groovi Tem-plate
Tina's Christmas Presents & Holly A4 Square Groovi Plate